We're in the grocery store checking out. Tucker says, LOUDLY, "Mom her booty is bigger and bigger and bigger!" I couldn't pay and walk out of there fast enough. While we're walking to the car we have "the talk" AGAIN! After the grocery store is Costco. We're in the bathroom, an enclosed, echoing area, when a lady walks out of her stall. "Mom her belly is huge!" Oh my, not 10 minutes before we had "the talk". "Tucker! We don't call people fat!" "But Mom," he innocently says, "I didn't call her fat." How can I argue with that?
We're at Target, leaving when we walk by a cute, smaller girl. Tuck pipes up, "Her booty's not big." And it wasn't. "Tucker, we don't talk about people's booties," I gripe back. "Can we talk about their bellies?"he asks. Seriously???
Yesterday he says to me, "Mom, your garments are just a liiiiiiiiiitle bit too small, huh?" I should have smacked him, Heaven knows I wanted to.
We were in Utah and Tatum and Tuck slept in the same bed. They were in bed for the evening when I heard Tatum sobbing. Tucker called her fatness and her feelings were hurt.
Other naughty things: Chris was laying on the ground and Tucker walked by and kicked his head. Chris got upset with him and Tucker says back, "Your head was in my way, move your head." I guess it was Chris's fault for having his head in the way.
Tuck was mad at Chris and he yelled, "You're being impossible!"
Actually Tucker, YOU are impossible, not quite sure what to do with you.