He's sort of sleeping through the night. I've created a beast, him and his passy! He wakes at 3 or 4 or both wanting it. I'm sure he'd rather eat but I'd rather him not. Not sure what to do with him. Sometimes I'm up 6 times a night shoving that dang thing in his mouth. Hmmm.
He got a little trim today. His hair was getting scraggly and it needed to be done. Looks better. I should have taken a picture but didn't so trust me when I say it's so much better!
He's learned how to smile and chat with us. We all squeal with delight when he makes darling baby noises and then try to get him to do it again.

I LOVE a baby in a towel. He's pinchable from head to toe and weighed in at 12 lbs. 14 oz. two weeks ago. He thinks it's funny to squirt us with his hose during his bath. We scream and quickly scramble to take cover. :) I'm sure inside he's laughing!
Tatum loves changing his diapers, his wet diapers NOT his poopy diapers. It's rather funny to watch her. She positions the diaper just right and then he kicks and wiggles and she has to wrestle with him again. She's really cute and has yet to be squirted, can't wait for the reaction WHEN that happens! Tuck isn't so interested in the diaper changing and immediately wants him taken away when he fills his britches with poo.

Little man. He has a lot of expressions! Some are concerned, some curious, some happy, and others mad!
Go Sun Devils! He looks like a balding old man in the picture on the right!
We still can't get enough snuggle time!