Saturday, January 23, 2010

Tucker's Birthday

Tucker Sam turned 5! I can't believe he's already 5! Nonnie made this collage for him, he's so handsome and old looking.
I feel like a bad mom, pictures taken of his cake and his birthday party some how disappeared, I'm so sorry Tuck! For his cake he chose to have a green light saber across the whole front. It said his name in the Star Wars font, he loved it.
His birthday fell on a Saturday and when I asked him what he wanted for dinner, thinking I'd make him his very favorite he replied, "Red Robin, they have my favorite food." Can't argue with the birthday boy. Off to Red Robin we went with Nonnie and Papa. They sang to him and gave him his very own ice cream Sunday. While they sang they made him stand up on his seat and raise his hands in the air. He felt like a King! He's really into Star Wars right now and got a few Star Wars Lego kits, they really hit the spot. I also got an MP3 player and has been rocking out to music ever since. His most favorite thing he got were black cowboy boots. He's been begging for those since before Christmas. He loves them and shows them to anybody and everybody!
He's a hilarious little boy full of energy. He loves being outside and riding his bike. He loves to tuck in his shirts and show off his missing teeth. He can't wait to start kindergarten and wonders when Jersey will come alive again. He loves his hamster, Rose, and thinks there's nobody cooler than his Dad. He wonders why he can't swear or beat up his sister and is often my biggest helper. He's a tough little guy and so independent but such a snuggler who loves his mama. His sister is his best friend and hopes to one day be a baseball player. He's a very hands on kinda dude and how we love him!!!

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