Are fabulous neighbors, the Marx, invited us to their cabin in Forest Lakes. Of course we jumped at the opportunity. We drove up Friday night and stayed until Sunday morning. T&T slept horribly Friday night but I suppose it's okay being that we didn't get out of our
jammies until 4 o'clock Saturday. It rained all morning and then turned to snow. It actually snowed!! I was so excited, Tatum had been bugging me for weeks to go to the snow and it just so happened that it snowed! We HAD to play in it! Chris and Mike had a snow ball fight and unfortunately for Chris, Mike had the last word. The rest of the time we played games, watched movies and the Office, ate great food, and relaxed. We really appreciate our friends the Marx!!

The snow was more like sleet and the kids lasted only 10 minutes. Who has clothes for the snow anyways? We couldn't make a snowman "because we forgot a carrot," said Tatum.
Aren't they so cute! Notice Tucker's snow boots, they were his obsession the rest of our stay. He wanted to wear them so bad even though they were 2 sizes to big.
Here is
Kojo (Tatum named our car that and very
affecionately calls her so), frozen solid. We tried to go to church early Sunday but her doors were frozen shut and the windshield wouldn't defrost. So we decided to go to the one o'clock time in
Payson. We got there just in time for the sacrament but they didn't come into the foyer. Hello! There were absolutely NO seats anywhere so we left without attending church. We gave it a valiant effort!
Tatum posing in her "Christmas dress" in the snow. Where is her jacket? Chris and Tucker enjoying the 30 degree weather.

We each put our favorite pop out on the porch to be chilled by the arctic temperatures. Long live
Mtn. Dew!
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! We need friends that have a cabin!
what a fun weekend. where is forest lakes?
SNOW!! i bet the kids loved that!! what an awesome trip! i am so jealous!
Lucky! I am so glad you had a fun weekend and the kids got to see snow!
Can't wait for a Sunday night of sugar!
You are such a good blogger! That snow looks so fun, I've been wanting to go sledding! Sorry about your hubbie, that doesn't look fun. But your house does lood beautiful! Now if I could only get my husband to do ours, I've done everything else!!! Well I just have to say it again, your daughter is so beautiful, she looks just like you! You better watch out for those little boys!
What a fun weekend, I'm glad you guys had a great time. And the snow...what a lucky break, I bet the kids had a blast.
Good job with getting the snow on time. The kids would have really been disappointed. The respect that they had for you before this is nothing in comparison to what it is now. You can do anything!
What a fun weekend! Love the frozen beverages of choice!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEIDI!!!! i hope you have a great day and get to do some fun stuff.
No Dr. Pepper lovers?
BTW - you seriously looked like a fashion model at Enrichment. I just starred at you from afar. Can I be your agent?
That's the best part of living here, you can drive a couple hours to get your snow fix and then back to the beautiful weather! It looks like such a fun weekend and I've gotta give props to Tatum for her modeling--sacraficing the freezing temps for a cute picture with the dress in the snow. That's a natural born model if you ask me!
How fun! I'm totally jealous as I miss the white stuff. I love Tatums dress - so cute!!!
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