Tatum's class did Muffins With Mom, and ONLY moms. No brothers, no pets, and definitely no dads! Upon my arrival Tatum gave me a crown that said Queen Mom as well as a pink flower. She had spent all week on a drawing of me as well as a Mom's Fact List. SO CUTE! She was SO excited to show me all the things she worked so hard on.
The muffins, grapes, and punch were delicious! I loved spending time just with her. She's my girly!
She even sang 3 songs to me. One was cute, the other funny, and the last sweet...and I may or may not have had watery eyes.
Mommy Facts
by: Tatum
April 27, 2010
How old is she? 26
How tall is she? 5ft. 10 in
How much does she weigh? 135 lbs.
What color is her hair? brown and blond
What's her favorite drink and snack? water and crackers (news to me!)
What does she cook? soup
What's her favorite TV show: commercials
What's her favorite thing to do with you? play with me
What does she like to do for fun? swim
What does she do during the day? works at home
What's the one thing she says to you most often? I love you!
Ahhh so cute!! I hardly believe the height and weight statistics though!!! .... commercials?? ME TOO! LOL!
o it's me, Mindi
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