For Memorial Day Weekend Chris played in a softball tournament in Show Low. It was a lovely weekend, cold, rainy...lovely. While the blondies loved Chris's games their most favorite thing to do was the swings. These aren't just any swings, they're amazing fun. The blondies could never get too high or swing long enough.

Tatum, poor thing, flew off, not fell off, the swing. Chris gave her a mighty push, she was a good 6 feet off the ground and her little booty flew out. See where Chris is standing? That's where she landed and he's trying to console her. The brave little thing wiped her tears and got right back on!
They also very much enjoyed this teeter toter. We think it's funny that Tucker's bunz weigh more than Tater's bunz!

Looks like tons of fun.. Tatum learned to fly... you all got your bowling on (isn't it so much fun with kids).... the weather was cooler than the usual nasty beast of 100 degree. Glad you had a great little vaca.
Tucker's facial expressions crack me up. You have the cutest kids.
I love weekends like this. So much fun. And it IS funny that Tucker's bunz weigh more then Tatum's bunz.
How fun for all of you! I love summer!!
Libbis Grammy
Hey, that swing look familiar! One of the best laughs I ever had was at that swing...I still smile just to think of it.
Tell tater next time she tries flying she'll need some of Tinkerbells fairy dust!
Love the muscle pic of doubt showing he is strong enough to lift those heavy bowling balls.
What a FUN weekend!
Looks like a GREAT weekend! Haha! At least it was cool and not HOT! hopefully you can come up to mine this weekend!
Oh, fun!!! Bowling is one of our family's favorite things to do. That Tatum, is such a sweet little pixie!
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