Backing up a few weeks. I was spending precious time with Jersey when a heart mom whom I didn't know walked up to me and wrapped me in her arms. She introduced herself, Molly, and we chatted briefly. She extended her support and understanding.
When asked if Molly knew anybody who needed breast milk she burst into tears. Her little guy Mark only tolerates breast milk and she doesn't make enough and it costs $4 and oz. How happy (and sad because it wasn't going to Jersey) I was to share! If Jersey Girl couldn't use it I'm thrilled Mark, a heart baby, could! It was wonderful giving Molly my abundant supply, I know she appreciates every ounce and won't waste a single drop.
That is SO awesome! I have a good friend who is generously donating HER liquid gold to my niece who has cancer and in on a feeding tube. What a wonderful gift you shared. I know Jersey is pleased with your kindness.
You come to mind often! What a precious, priceless gift you are giving of yourself to this sweet heart baby. IM so glad you have someone to share it with and know you will always feel a part of his life as you are able to nourish him and help him grow. Bitter-sweet, I KNOW!!
Praying such peace and comfort and grace for these days as you grieve. Your strength and faith is such a testimony to others. Not a road you would have chosen to walk, I know....yet Jerseys little life continues to have amazing impact on lives!
Bless you!
That's amazing Heidi. For some silly reason that's one thing I kept wanting to ask you about as I was SO impressed you were pumping the whole time for Jersey. It's wonderful, I think you're great Heidi.
I agree with Evie, what a generous gift you are so happily sharing. I am sure it is HUGE for the mom recieving the help.
Still in our prayers,
Karen Cole
Oh sweet Heidi, I so wish I could extend a hug to you right now! You have a heart of gold in the toughest of times.
What a priceless gift for another child in need..and the blessings that will follow.
I remember pumping while my little one was in the hospital...and how important that was for me! Its appreciating to know that others marvel in that same blessing of responsibility. All of us woman have a gift...and whatever the situation...it is the gift of love!
You are such a great example of exactly that.
You have been in my constant thoughts this week...every day...!
My kids still pray for you and your family!
Its humbling to be a part of the Lords work in action!
What an amazing gift to give!! I pumped for FOUR weeks straight and for some reason couldn't produce more than an ounce a WEEK?! No wonder my daughter refused to breastfeed after a while... I'm milk production challenged.
Fortunatly, Owen tolerated the icky, sticky Pregestemil formula.. otherwise, I wouldn't know what to do!
I'm glad that you found someone that could use that amazing supply... quite impressive I might add.
Praying for you all...
You put Shamrock to shame!
That said, what a sweet gesture from you and blessing for Molly and little Mark.
You are one of the angels among us that Elder Holland spoke of in conference.
thats awesome, and thats a lot of milk! I guess its hard to realize how much babies eat cuz you never actually see it and at $4/oz. that is gold!!
You're so sweet Heidi. I love your new header picture too. So special.
Heidi and Chris, you looked sad at church today. I should have given you a hug even though I wasn't sure. Our kids are still praying for your family. I hope the pain subsides a bit for you...sooner rather than later. With love, the Glenns
PS - If you find out that mom needs more milk for her baby, I could always ask my friend if she can share more. She's a very sweet person and I'm sure she'd love to help. She actually looked into donating to a hospital, but there were so many rules that it made it extremely difficult. Let me know. I thought you looked sad today too. I hope you are doing okay. Please know I still think about you everyday and even though life is going on all around you - we have NOT forgotten. Love to your family.
I have milk also...only about 10 bottles worth, I think. If you know of anyone who may need it I'd love to help, I just don't know how.
Oh my gosh Heidi. First of all, I think you are completely a hero for pumping at all during such a hard time. I only nursed for one week after my dad died and couldn't handle the stress. Second, how wonderful that rather than throwing all of the milk away you were able to give it to another precious little person. I can't wait to play with you guys this week.
Heidi you are amazing!! What a fabulous gift to be able to give someone. I know baby Mark is going to be so grateful to you for your thoughtfulness.
I can relate to Molly since I can't produce very much milk so I can imagine what a huge blessing that was for her! So cool, little Jersey would be proud of her momma!
How happy we are that you were so willing to share and able to think of us while going through such a hard time. Mark's skinny little legs are finally getting fat again and we have your milk to thank for it. We will see you soon. We love you!
That is awesome Heidi!
Wyatt is totally jealous, he can't stop talking about Heidi's milk this, and Heidi's milk that. :)
Heidi & Chris-
I have thought much of you today...and the thought of a poem came to mind...
Although, I dont know the author...It is heart warming & comforting.
I have never experienced the loss of a child...however I did lose a brother to suicide a few years ago...and these words gave me comfort.
Please, don't ask...
Please, don't ask if we're over "it" yet, we'll never be over it.
Please, don't tell us they're in a better place. They aren't with us.
Please, don't say "At least they aern't suffering." We haven't come to terms with why they had to suffer at all.
Please, don't tell us you know how you feel unless you have lost a child.
Please, don't ask us if we feel better. Bereavement isn't a condition that clears up.
Please, don't tell us "At least you had them for a time." What year would you choose for your child to die?
Please, don't tell us "God never gives you more than you can bear."
Please, just tell us you are sorry.
Please, just say you remember our children, if you do.
Please, just let us talk about our children.
Please, mention our childrens names.
Please, just let me cry.
My heart is filled with much love for you and your family...Hugs-
Heidi that is so amazing! Thinking of you see you tonight.
Holy Cow! can you keep pumping for my baby. That is dedication. What a great way to give, I never would have thought of that.
Hi. It's me again. you don't knw me, but i was just wondering? I had a heart baby too. Can I ask what was her condition? i had a chest freezer full of breastmilk that I had a hard time letting go of, too.
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